AI helping writers from keyword research to content optimization: 40+ AI tools for writers in 2024

Today, writers and content creators always need to make interesting content that people can find easily.

They have to use search engines to help people find what they make.

But things are changing. What can be more helpful?


Artificial intelligence (AI) is helping out more and more. It’s not just something in science fiction movies anymore.

Now, AI is a big help to writers. It makes their work faster, helps them be more creative, and makes sure their content has a big impact.

Our team found survey data from HubSpot. It says that 68% of marketing leaders believe that if AI and automation were fully used in their company, the business would grow a lot. But how AI can help writers?

There are various forms of AI tools available that can help writers from keyword research to content optimization.

Now, get ready to learn about over 40 amazing AI tools that will change how you write. They’ll make your writing journey even better.

40+ AI tools for helping writers in 2024

AI writing tools have changed how people create things. They give lots of helpful ideas to writers.

They help with thinking of ideas, fixing mistakes, and making things look good. So, begin with us to explore all those AI tools that can help writers.

1. Neuroflash: AI Content tool


Neuroflash is an AI-powered text and image generator that has significantly improved the efficiency of content creation.

The text generation feature allows for various formats like blog posts, articles, social media posts, poems, and code by simply providing a topic or keyword.

The image generation feature is equally impressive, providing realistic images for different purposes like product presentations and illustrations, saving time and money on hiring designers or photographers.


  • Ease of use and navigation of Neuroflash
  • A wide range of text and image generation features are available
  • The high quality of the generated content
  • Continuous updates and improvements on the platform
  • Responsive and helpful customer support team.


  • Limited access to free plan
  • Limited language support

Read our in-depth Neuroflash review to find more.

Pricing Plan

  • Free: $0/month
  • Standard: $30/month
  • Pro: $80/month
  • Business: $300/month

For anyone in search of an AI-powered text and image generator, Neuroflash comes highly recommended.

2. ChatGPT: AI writing assistant


ChatGPT is a top AI tool for writing. It helps remote writers with different kinds of writing. It can write blogs, product descriptions, and social media posts easily. It makes writing easier by giving short, human-like text and explaining complex topics.

It helps with thinking of ideas, editing, and making content better for search engines. Writers like it because it can shorten long texts, give smart answers like Google, and help finish tasks quickly.


● Quick and accurate answers across diverse topics.

● Helpful categorization of information.

● User-friendly interface.


● Long waitlist for access to ChatGPT4 or 5.

● Connectivity and response issues at times.

● ChatGPT doesn’t solve all problems; it can sometimes provide incorrect information.


● Free: It’s a free plan.

● Plus: For $20 per month.

● Team: For $25 per month.

● Enterprise: It’s a custom plan.

3. Browseo: SEO tool


Browseo is a tool that uses AI to check HTML. It helps writers make web content better for search engines. It looks at things like links, metadata, and server codes. They can use it online and change their settings.

This tool helps writers improve how easy it is to find their content. It also helps them see where they can make things better for search engines. They can check how users will experience their content. They can also see what others are doing and improve their own work. This makes their content easier to find when people search online.


● It helps find where a site can do better.

● It looks at things like layout, words used, and more.

● You can use it for free, no limits.

● It teaches you how to make your site more search-engine friendly.


● It shows what competitors are doing, but making changes might need more resources.

● It focuses more on technical SEO than on good content and user experience.

● How well it works depends on website complications and industry competition.


It’s a free tool.

4. Jenni AI: AI writing assistant


Jenni is an advanced AI writing assistant designed to make writing easier and more efficient. This platform helps writers create great content quickly by fixing grammar mistakes and enhancing readability. It uses smart technology to give writing a human touch, making it engaging and unique every time.

It has an AI citation tool that helps writers make better suggestions for writing and find citations that match what they’re looking for. Jenni AI saves time and effort. It keeps everything organized, so writers don’t have to spend hours searching manually.


● It’s easy to sign up and get started.

● It has a Google Scholar search built-in that helps to mention the citation.


● Have too many features but some don’t work.

● It is expensive.


● Free: It’s a free trial.

● Unlimited: For $20 per month.

5. Claude AI: AI writing assistant


Anthropic has developed Claude AI, presenting three versions: Claude 1, Claude 2, and Claude-Instant. As an advanced artificial intelligence agent, Claude has a wide range of capabilities, including versatile writing styles, summarization, and paraphrasing. This makes it easier for writers to create interesting content.

Claude can understand things like humans and make choices as humans do. It’s due to a special technology called natural language processing (NLP). It can understand different languages and translate, shorten, or create code in different programming languages.


● It can work with up to 75,000 words at once, making it great for big writing tasks.

● It’s made to avoid making bad, illegal, or dangerous responses, keeping users safe.

● Claude AI doesn’t collect user information and keeps their data safe.

● It makes better quality writing than other AI tools, showing it’s good at making accurate and helpful content.


● Even if you buy it, there are still limits on how much you can use it, which could be a problem for users who use it a lot and need to do big tasks.

Pricing Plan

For $20 per month.

6. AI paraphrasing tool: For rephrasing text


The Paraphrasing Tool uses AI and NLP to improve text. It makes writing clearer and more unique. It helps users understand and create their own content. This tool is simple to use.

It helps writers create error-free content. It improves language, grammar, and spelling while maintaining the main meaning. It’s useful for SEO and adapting content to fit their style. In short, it simplifies the process of creating good content.


● This tool quickly generates new content.

● It’s user-friendly.

● It provides content that is plagiarism-free.


● It only paraphrases up to 200 words at a time.

Pricing Plan

It’s a free AI tool.

7. SEMScoop: For keyword research


SEMScoop is a tool that helps writers make their content better for search engines. It suggests up to 700 useful keywords and gives data on how often people search for them. Also, how much they cost per click and how much ad revenue they might bring.

It also looks at how hard it is to rank for certain keywords and which websites rank the highest. It helps writers pick the best keywords for their skill level. It gives suggestions on how to use keywords better, get more people engaged, and make the content overall better. This way, writers can make content that’s more visible and effective.


● The user interface is great and easy to understand.

● You can search for keywords in over 40 languages.

● Exporting and importing keyword data is easy.

● Customer support is excellent, available through chat and email.


● The keyword research tool is a bit expensive.

● Sometimes it gives wrong results.

● The refund policy is inflexible.


● Free: It’s a free plan.

● Basic: For $9 per month.

● Pro: For $27 per month.

● Business: For $47 per month.

8. Paraphrase-online: Word changer


Paraphrase-online has a Word changer tool. It uses AI to help writers make their writing clearer and more interesting. The tool suggests different words that mean the same thing, so writers can use a variety of words and avoid using the same ones too much.

This helps make writing less boring and easier to understand, without changing what the writer wants to say. Writers can use this tool to make their writing easier for their readers to understand, while still keeping their main ideas. It’s a helpful tool for making written works more interesting and diverse.


● Have a huge vocabulary of synonyms.

● Free to use.

● Gives high-quality results.


● It might take some time to process your text


● Free plan available.

● For 5$ per month.

9. Paragraph generator: For creating paragraphs


The AI paragraph generator helps writers create content easily. It makes paragraphs quickly in different styles like storytelling or persuasive writing. This tool checks for plagiarism and makes sure content is good for search engines.

It uses AI, natural language processing, and machine learning to help students write essays and businesses improve websites. It also helps writers beat writer’s block, making them more productive and improving their writing quality.


● Generates original content on any topic in just seconds.

● Sparks creativity and helps overcome writer’s block.

● Provides unique ideas to make content creation more efficient.

● Saves time for various writing tasks.


● Using the tool too much might make your writing less original.

● Over-reliance on technology may not improve writing skills.


● It’s completely free to use.

10. Anyword: AI writing assistant


Anyword helps writers improve their vocabulary and writing skills using AI. It uses advanced language technology to assist writers in creating ads, social media posts, and other content. This tool offers various templates and styles for writing practice.

It supports over 25 languages and allows users to customize tones. This tool lets writers experiment with different styles and voices, boosting their creativity. By using Anyword’s AI, writers can enhance their writing, engage audiences better, and reach their full potential.


● The platform is simple to use, you don’t need to learn much.

● You can make content that suits your audience perfectly.

● Usually, it makes writing that looks like it’s from a person.

● It can spot bad-quality work or differences.


● It doesn’t connect directly with any platforms.

● Predictive scores and analytics come with the business plan only.

● It might be costly for individuals or small businesses with a tight budget.

● The free trial has somewhat limited credits.


● Free: 7-day free trial.

● Starter: For $49 per month.

● Data-Driven: For $99 per month.

● Business: For $499 per month.

● Enterprise: It’s a custom plan.

Related information: Write Sonic: The New Era of AI Content Writing!

11. Wordtune: AI writing assistant


WordTune by AI21 Labs helps improve writing using AI. It doesn’t just fix grammar but also changes sentences to make them clearer, shorter, and smoother. It’s a free tool and also has a Google extension that gives writers instant suggestions and feedback to match their style and context.

Though it only allows 10 changes a day for free, WordTune helps writers improve by offering new ways to express ideas and make writing better in many areas. With its ability to rephrase based on context, WordTune is great for writers who want to communicate effectively and make their writing more interesting.


● It helps when you can’t think of what to write.

● You get a free Word Add-In with it.

● It comes with a browser extension and an online editor.

● It can make your writing easier to understand and shorter.


● The interface might be annoying and pull your attention away.

● Some suggestions just don’t make sense.

● You can only do 10 rewrites each day for free.


● Free: It’s a free plan.

● Plus: For $9.99 per month.

● Unlimied: For $14.99 per month.

● Business: It’s a custom plan.

12. Rewording Tool: Sentence changer


The Rewording tool uses AI to make writing better by changing sentences without losing their meaning, tone, or context. It helps writers to improve their work by giving smart suggestions for rewriting.

It also checks for plagiarism, makes summaries, analyzes grammar and readability, creates paragraphs, and expands writing. The tool makes sure that writing is original, clear, and good for search engines. So writers can make interesting, high-quality content that people like and can find online easily.


● This tool helps you rewrite without copying.

● It makes AI content more unique and understandable.

● Correct grammar and spelling errors while paraphrasing.


● Limited language options.


The rewording tool is free to use.

13. Spinbot: Text changer


Spinbot AI changes text to make it look different while keeping the main ideas. It works fast and can handle different languages, so writers from all backgrounds can make SEO-friendly content on time.

Sometimes, writers might need to make small changes, but Spinbot AI helps them make original and good-quality content. It also makes it easier for writers to create content with its simple interface and strong rewriting abilities.


● It easily changes writing into new and easy-to-read content.

● Spinbot AI’s way of rephrasing sentences and paragraphs is very helpful. It keeps the same meaning as the original writing.

● It makes my writing process much faster and simpler.


● Sometimes, the results aren’t consistent.

● You might need to edit or change some things for the best results.


The tool is free to use.

14. Sentence rewriter: For rewriting sentences


AI Sentence Rewriter is a tool that helps to improve writing and avoid accidentally copying from others. This smart AI not only suggests better words and phrases but also makes sure the message stays the same. With its big collection of language patterns and easy-to-use design, this tool acts like a virtual writing coach.

This tool makes it easy to do work on time, making sentences more interesting, fixing mistakes, and adjusting the tone. Also, it makes sure that the work is original and exciting. For writers, this AI tool is invaluable as it enhances their work’s originality, clarity, and style, while also saving time and effort in the writing process.


● This tool saves time and rewrites lengthy passages in seconds.

● It ensures consistency and maintains uniformity effortlessly.

● Simplify complex ideas for clearer communication.

● Easily accessible online tool.


● It may not always meet expectations because the quality can vary.

● Relying only on rewriting tools can lead to mistakes in grammar and spelling.


This AI tool is free to use.

15. Jasper AI: AI writing assistant


Jasper, an AI assistant, is not like other simple AI tools. This platform helps writers improve their website’s SEO ranking by giving writers powerful tools to create unique content that isn’t copied from anywhere else.

They can easily change or improve their content using a special feature called the content improver, and it works with over 25 different languages. For writers, Jasper AI helps them generate high-quality and original content that matches their brand voice.


● Easy for anyone to use.

● Great for social media posts and SEO.

● Offers over 50 templates, including Facebook headlines, email subject lines, etc.


● Information is taken from the internet without checking to see if it’s true.

● It’s hard to learn all the commands, especially for certain things.

● It needs someone to read through it and fix mistakes.


● Free: It’s a free plan.

● Creator: For $39 per month.

● Pro: For $59 per month.

● Business: It’s a custom plan.

16. Connected Papers: For searching research papers or articles


Connected Papers make research easier. Just input a “seed paper or relevant paper,” and it generates a graph of about 25 related papers. This helps writers explore a lot of literature easily.

It’s not just helpful for referencing, but it also gives access to a vast database covering many scientific fields. However, it doesn’t work well on mobile devices, but Connected Papers is still valuable because it provides high-quality research insights.


● User-friendly interface, allowing users to easily navigate graphs and access detailed information with a simple click.

● Visual graphs help researchers find and explore relevant papers.

● Higher-quality research insights.


● Limited compatibility with mobiles and tablets.

● It doesn’t illustrate direct citation relationships between papers.


Free: It’s a free plan.

Academic: For $4 per month.

Business: For $13 per month.

17. Smart paraphraser: To rewrite the text


The Paraphrase tool helps writers and people who share content to change their words quickly. It uses smart technology like machine learning and natural language processing to enhance uniqueness and engagement.

This tool is free and easy to use, especially for people who use QuillBot. Just copy and paste the writing, click “paraphrase,” and get better writing back right away.


● Have a huge vocabulary of synonyms.

● Free to use.

● Gives high-quality results.


● It might take some time to process your text


This AI tool is free to use.

18. Rytr: AI writing assistant


Rytr is an AI writing assistant known for its content quality and user-friendly dashboard. It’s a powerful tool that simplifies content creation, saving time and resources for writers.

This AI writing tool can easily create content in multiple languages. Writers can enhance their content with AI editing and also verify its originality with a plagiarism check.


● User-friendly, and easy to navigate.

● It’s a cost-effective solution with outstanding value for your investment.

● It can create any kind of content, giving you lots of options.

● Choose the way you want your writing to sound, making it just right for you.


● Lack of quality in written content.

● The longer content tends to repeat and doesn’t flow smoothly.

● Keyword research capabilities need improvement.


● Free plan: It’s a free plan.

● Saver plan: For $9 per month.

● Unlimited plan: For $29 per month.

Related article: Rytr vs. Writesonic: In-depth Comparison 2024

19. AI Paragraph Generator: To generate paragraphs


A paragraph generator is a fantastic tool that uses advanced AI to create paragraphs easily. It helps writers in many ways in writing their content to make it engaging and SEO-friendly. They can enter topics, adjust the length, choose tone, control word count, and download the result.

This tool can help writers write various kinds of paragraphs like descriptive, narrative, persuasive, or custom paragraphs. It’s the quickest way to make paragraphs online, with more improvements on the way.


● It helps users create content efficiently and creatively.

● Free to use.

● User-friendly interface.


● Sometimes give accurate or relevant text.

● You may need to edit it for errors.


It is a free tool.

20. Yaara.AI: Paraphrasing tool


The Paraphraser is an amazing tool that helps writers make their writing better by changing words and making it unique. It helps them to adjust how their writing sounds, its style, and how it makes people feel. It helps them add more of their own voice, make emotions stronger, or make things clearer.

There are lots of options available. These options can help a writer become more creative and original in their writing.

For example, if you’re a writer and telling a story, you can make your writing more interesting. Also, you can use them to make your writing shorter and clearer. This tool is truly helpful for making your writing outstanding and engaging.


● It helps to write smoothly.

● Its interface is easy to use.

● This tool turns words into smart, lovely, and excellent expressions.


● Sometimes, it’s slow.

● Sometimes it doesn’t change words correctly.


It’s a free tool.

21. Resoomer: Summarizing text

The Resoomer AI tool is a great help for writers. It helps them summarize long texts and find important information quickly. Using special algorithms, it turns complicated stuff into short, customizable summaries. This saves writers a lot of time and work.

They can use this tool to understand research papers, articles, or books better, which helps them with their own writing and research. Also, Resoomer works with many languages and can handle text, documents, images, and videos. This makes it more useful for writers who work in different ways and on different subjects.


● Save time by quickly summarizing long texts to get important points.

● The interface is simple and easy to understand for everyone.

● Input text by copying and pasting or using browser extensions for easy summarizing.


● Resoomer struggles with long documents, leading to incomplete summaries.

● It may miss important context, causing misunderstandings.

● Users have little ability to customize or edit summaries according to specific needs.


Free: It’s a free plan.

Pro: For $9 per month.

22. Word Changer: Tool to rewrite sentences


The Word changer AI tool is a smart helper for writers that suggest better words and phrases to make their writing better. It also fixes grammar mistakes and lets writers adjust how formal they sound.

Plus, it checks if the writing is easy to understand and original. With this tool, writers can improve their skills, write more interestingly, and make their work better overall.


● Makes hard things easy to understand.

● Improves writing, finds mistakes, and makes sentences sound better.

● Saves time by quickly creating content.


● Rewriting can cause mistakes.


It’s a free tool.

23. Hemingway: To check grammar


The Hemingway Editor helps writers to improve their writing. It uses AI to check text and give suggestions. It shows long sentences in yellow, confusing phrases in red, suggests simpler words in purple, points out too many adverbs in blue, and highlights passive voice in green.

This tool helps writers make their writing clearer and more concise. It’s easy to use and gives straightforward advice. With its help, writers can create more engaging content. This tool makes editing easier and helps writers produce better work for search engines.


● It uses colors and gives helpful suggestions.

● It can handle long documents easily.

● You don’t need to install or log in for the online version.


● The online version doesn’t let you save.

● Using too many adverbs or advanced words can be tough.

● It might not fit everyone’s writing style.


It’s a free tool.

24. AI Poem Generator: Create poems


The poem generator helps writers improve their poetry skills and learn new words. It uses AI to create poems based on themes, tones, and lengths chosen by them. The poems use different techniques like rhythm and rhyme, similar to what professional poets do.

This tool lets writers try out many words and literary tricks, inspiring their own poetry. It’s also useful for those writers who want to get better at using language and telling stories. Overall, it boosts writers’ skills in different types of writing to make their poetry more engaging online.


● Helps you come up with creative ideas right away.

● You can customize it to fit your needs.

● Saves time by making creative work faster.


● Generated poems aren’t unique or personal.

● They might not show the right feelings or ideas.


It’s a free tool.

25. MEM: To take notes


Mem is a helpful app for taking notes. Its features, like AI Chat & Mem X, help writers find information quickly from their notes. This makes it easier to communicate clearly. Mem also gives templates for writing journals and meeting notes. This makes writing faster.

It works well with Google Calendar too. This helps to make meeting agendas and remember important points. Mem helps writers improve their vocabulary, communication, and productivity. It summarizes notes, helps with writing, and keeps things organized.


● Helps you easily capture, search, and find your knowledge.

● Connects with tools like Slack, Zoom, Google Calendar.

● Simple interface with rich formatting and easy-to-use links.


● It’s still in testing and might have problems or things missing.

● You need the internet for it to work.


● Mem: For $14.99 per month.

● Mem Team: It’s a custom plan.

Related post: Botsonic AI | Features, Review, Pricing, Pros & Cons

26. EssayAiBot: For essay writing


EssayAIBot uses AI to make writing essays easier. It can find good topics, fix grammar mistakes, and do research. With this tool, writers can make essays that are well-organized and not copied. They can use different citation styles too.

EssayAIBot makes sure the essays are of good quality and unique. Writers can edit the essays as much as they want. It checks for plagiarism carefully and helps them a lot. It’s a good tool for writing without sacrificing quality or originality.


● It can make essay outlines.

● The outlines it gives can help to arrange essays better.

● It saves time using this tool.


● The essays produced may lack quality and clarity.

● Improper grammar and structure.

● It frequently produces duplicate essays, compromising originality.


● Free: It’s a free plan.

● Premium plan: For $9.95 per month.

27. AI story generator: To create a story


AI story writer helps writers by creating interesting story ideas, characters, and opening lines. Writers can choose genres, settings, and characters to get started. This tool uses advanced technology to overcome writer’s block and inspire creativity.

It’s useful for writing short stories, novels, and more. It works for all kinds of stories, long or short, set in different places.


● This tool helps you think of new story ideas much faster.

● It’s easy to use because the interface is simple and clear.

● It uses AI to make writing creatively more fun and less stressful.


● Sometimes, the generated story lags in quality.


It is a free tool.

28. Text humanizer: To rephrase the text


This tool makes AI-written content sound more like humans. It changes the structure, tone, and style using smart algorithms. This makes the text more natural and interesting. The tool helps writers improve AI-generated content.

It adds human-like touches, idioms, and context adjustments. This makes the content more engaging and relatable to readers. With Text-Humanizer, writers can create plagiarism-free content that connects with their audience. They still benefit from using AI assistants for writing efficiently.


● It uses smart AI to make good content.

● It ensures that the generated content is original and plagiarism-free.

● It checks and fixes the content to match your assignment rules.


● Limited to text inputs only, without support for document or URL formats.


● Yearly plan: $3.25 per month.

● Monthly plan: $5 per month

29. QuillBot: Writing helper

QuillBot helps writers improve their writing. It changes sentences to make them clearer and shorter. It also checks for grammar mistakes and finds if any part of the text is copied from somewhere else. It also helps to make a summary of the text and helps in giving proper credit to the sources used.

This tool can translate text into different languages, which is useful for people who speak different languages. It works well with Chrome, Word, and macOS, making writing easier and better. Writers can use QuillBot to write better, faster, and more effectively in various styles and formats.


● This tool is easy to use.

● It works well with other platforms for smooth writing.

● There’s a good free version that works for everyone.


● Text glitches and rejections happen occasionally.

● Limited access to tools in the free version.

● Paraphrasing standards vary, and access is limited without membership.


Free: It’s a free plan.

Premium: For $9.95 per month (billed monthly) and $4.17 per month (billed annually).

Related article: Writesonic Pricing Plans: What Does Write Sonic Cost?

30. Readability Checker: To check for readability


Copywritely’s readability checker helps writers make their writing clearer and easier to understand. It’s powered by AI. It gives writers scores and progress bars to show how easy their writing is to understand. The tool points out where writing can be better and suggests simpler words to use.

It also helps writers make their writing style better, like keeping sentences a good length for easier reading. Even though it doesn’t cover everything, Copywritely’s readability checker helps writers improve their writing so their audience can understand their ideas better.


● They’re simple to operate.

● They don’t require actual people to test them.

● They can tell if a text might be too hard for your reader right away.


● Sometimes, it doesn’t work well.


This tool is free to use.

31. Reword Generator: To rephrase sentences


The Reword generator is a tool that helps writers by suggesting different ways to say things without changing what they mean. This tool is great for when writers feel stuck and want to make their writing more interesting. It suggests new words and sentence structures to improve vocabulary and clarity.

With this tool, writers can create better product descriptions, blog posts, and marketing content. This tool makes writing easier and more creative, so it’s really helpful for making interesting and detailed pieces of writing.


● It’s easy to use.

● It saves you time.

● Generate high-quality, mistake-free, and interesting content.


● It’s good for basic content but might have trouble with complicated topics.

● The content might not be very unique.


This tool is free to use.

32. ClickUp: For managing writing projects

ClickUp’s AI writing assistant helps writers by making their work easier. It has features like summarizing documents, taking notes, and managing tasks. This tool also lets teams work together by sharing workspaces, leaving comments, using whiteboards, and communicating.

This tool also helps writers plan their work and manage their time by scheduling tasks, visualizing timelines, and syncing with calendars. By bringing together writing tools, organization features, and AI help, ClickUp makes writers more productive and encourages them to collaborate smoothly. This helps them create good writing quickly and efficiently.


● A free plan is offered.

● Great customer support.

● Abundance of task management tools.


● The website is hard to use.

● The phone apps could be improved.


● Free Forever: It’s a free plan.

● Unlimited: For $7 per month.

● Business: For $12 per month.

● Enterprise: It’s a custom plan.

33. Saga AI: AI writing assistant

Saga is an AI-powered writing assistant that streamlines the entire content creation process for writers. It simplifies tasks like note summarization, idea brainstorming, multilingual translation, grammar checking, and content rewriting within a single platform.

Saga empowers writers to produce clear, polished, and engaging content efficiently. Whether working on blog posts, project briefs, emails, or other written materials, this tool saves time and enhances creativity.


● Allow easy integration within the workplace.

● It’s versatile, having many useful features.


● Time is required for understanding.


● Free: It’s a free plan.

● Standard: For $6 per month.

● Business: For $12 per month.

34. Plagiarism checker: To check copied content


Plagiarism checkers help writers protect their work and make sure it’s real. They compare the writing to other sources to see if it’s original. They find if someone accidentally copied from somewhere else. Writers use them to check their writing carefully.

They get reports that show if there are any similar parts. They can also check web links to see if something was copied. This helps writers make sure their work is original and fair. It helps them build trust with their readers and keep their professional reputation.


● Free of cost.

● Easily accessible online.

● Trustworthy plagiarism checking service.


● Sometimes doesn’t detect plagiarism accurately.


It is free to use

35. The pensters’s plagiarism checker: To check plagiarism


For writers, it’s really important to be original in their work. They need to be creative and honest too. But sometimes they might accidentally use someone else’s ideas without realizing it. This free plagiarism checker helps them avoid this.

It’s like a helpful friend that stops them from making common mistakes. With this tool, writers can easily find and fix any parts of their writing that are too similar to other sources. This makes sure their work is truly their own.


● It gives accurate and reliable results.

● It enhances the credibility and originality of content.


● Occasionally, they are not accurate.

● It covers a limited database.


Its prices start from $9 per page.

36. AI Detector: To check AI similarity


An AI content detector tool can help writers a lot. It checks if a piece of writing was made by a human or by AI. This tool looks at how the sentences are structured and the style of writing. It ensures that the work is original and authentic.

This is important because it stops accidental copying from AI or relying too much on AI help. Also, it helps writers use AI in a fair way, finding a good mix of human creativity and AI help. With this tool, writers can keep their work honest and true.


● It quickly checks text for AI content, providing instant results.

● The accuracy rate is 95% in distinguishing AI-generated and human-written text.

● Provides a confidence score to aid decision-making.

● It works well for any text length, from short paragraphs to lengthy documents.


● Supports limited languages.

● Sometimes, this tool doesn’t work accurately.


The AI detector is free to use.

37. AI writing checker: Check AI percentage


Crossplag’s AI detector helps writers by making sure their work is real and honest. It tells the difference between what people write and what AI writes, using smart technology like machine learning.

This tool is easy to use and quickly checks if the content is original or not. It helps writers avoid accidentally copying others or using too much AI help. With Crossplag, writers can be sure their writing is unique and trustworthy.


● Supports numerous file extensions.

● Detects plagiarism across multiple languages in one document.

● It is valuable for checking for plagiarism in academic research.


● Mistakes human-written content for AI-generated content.

● Limited integration tools.

● Occasional false results.


Crossplag AI is free to use.

38. AI Checker: To find AI plagiarism


An AI content checker helps writers keep their work real and original. It uses advanced algorithms to find AI-generated text. It spots patterns, repeats, and weird writing styles accurately. This tool ensures that their work is really made by humans.

It stops accidental copying or using AI too much. The tool learns over time and gets better at finding new patterns. It gives writers detailed reports. This helps them keep their creative integrity and trustworthiness. Writers can create genuine, good content and use AI wisely.


● It checks your writing for mistakes and fixes them.

● Quickly checks and edits your text, saving time compared to doing it manually.

● It can find and make sure your writing is original.

● It helps keep your writing consistent in language, tone, and style.


● They aren’t always accurate.

● Sometimes, suggest human-written content as AI-generated.


The AI checker is free to use.

39. GPTinf: To rewrite sentences


GPTinf helps writers make AI-generated content sound more human-like. It changes words and sentence structure a bit to make the text seem natural while keeping the main idea intact. With this tool, writers can create original, clear, and high-quality content that seems like it was written by a person.

It doesn’t mess with grammar or use tricks. Instead, it lets writers use AI effectively while keeping their own voice and style. This helps them tell stories that truly connect with their readers.


● It generates human-like content.

● It has an intuitive and elegant interface.

● Gives quick responses and minimizes waiting time for users.


● Clearer instructions are needed for its functions.

● Users want more customization options.


● Monthly Plan: For $12 per month.

● Annual Plan: For $8 per month.

Related information: Writesonic Launches New Plan: 20% Cheaper Than ChatGPT

40. Image to text converter: Image converter


The image-to-text converter AI tool is very helpful for writers. It makes research and organizing data easier. This tool uses OCR technology to get text from images, scanned documents, and handwritten notes. It saves writers a lot of time and effort.

They can collect and reuse information from different sources more efficiently. This improves the quality of their writing. The tool accurately extracts text, so writers can concentrate on creating good content instead of typing everything manually.


● It saves you time and effort by quickly converting text from images.

● It helps you turn handwritten text into editable formats.

● This tool can extract text even from low-quality or distorted images.


● Sometimes, it may not extract the information completely.


It’s a free tool.

41. PikWizard: For HD pictures


PikWizard is a great tool to make content more interesting with pictures. It has over a million good-quality images and videos. This tool helps writers find just the right picture for their work. This tool has a well-organized library, different categories, and a tagging system.

These make it easy for writers to find what they need quickly. Also, it has an editor to use on the web. With it, writers can change and personalize pictures easily. This makes sure their content looks good and has an impact.

PikWizard gives writers lots of different media and easy editing tools. This helps them make content that’s visually appealing and keeps people interested.


● There are more than 1 million assets.

● The library has many free HD animated backgrounds.

● There are lots of realistic images of people.


● Some people complain about ad blockers.


It’s a free tool.

42. Semrush: SEO tool


Semrush is a helpful tool for digital marketing. It uses AI to assist writers in creating content. It has many features like finding keywords, checking websites, and looking at the competition.

First, it helps writers find the right keywords to use. These keywords can make their content rank higher in search results. However, this tool checks the drafts of writers. It suggests ways to make the content better. This includes adding more keywords and making the content easier to understand.

Semrush also helps writers see what their competitors are doing. This helps them plan their own content better. It’s a big help in creating content that gets noticed.


● This tool is great for finding keywords, checking links, auditing sites, and more.

● It helps to boost online ads, study competitors, and find keywords on different platforms.

● You can get information on website traffic, behaviour, market share, content, and ad plans.


● It takes a lot of time and effort to learn.

● It might not be affordable for small businesses or people with little money.

Pricing Plan

● Pro: For $129.95 per month.

● Guru: For $249.95 per month.

● Business: For $499.95 per month.

Final remarks

AI has changed writing a lot.

It gives writers many helpful tools, from finding keywords to making content better.

Those above-discussed AI tools help writers with ideas, words, readability, and originality.

They save time and make writing easier.

As AI gets better, it will fit into writing even more smoothly.

This means writers can focus on being creative while AI helps polish their work.

Using these AI tools will help writers make better content faster.

In my opinion, using AI can make writers more creative, productive, and precise.

Human writers are still important, but working with AI can make writing even better. Together, humans and AI can do amazing things in writing.

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