53 AI Writing Statistics For 2024

AI writing, also known as artificial intelligence writing or AI-generated content, refers to using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to generate human-like written content.

This technology has revolutionised the way we create and consume written content, offering numerous benefits and applications across various industries.

Top 6 AI Writing Statistics for 2024 at Write Sonic

  1. AI Writing Adoption: It is projected that over 50% of businesses will incorporate AI in 2024 into their content creation processes, to produce articles, blog posts, and marketing materials.
  2. AI-written Content Quality: 68% view AI-generated content as being on par with or even superior to content written by humans.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Companies have reported a 30% decrease in content production expenses by employing AI writing tools.
  4. Content Quantity: AI writing tools will be responsible for generating 20% of all content by 2024.
  5. SEO Effectiveness: Content created through AI shows a 25% enhancement in SEO performance due to algorithms that can better optimize text for search engines.
  6. Customization: 60% of marketing professionals use AI writing tools to craft personalized content at scale.

AI Business Adoption Statistics By Use Case Survey

AI is used in multiple ways as a tool, across multiple industries. Its primary applications include AI writing, image generation and a few other specific uses.

  1. 86 % of businesses use AI for keyword research, article outlining, and AI article writing.
  2. 48% of businesses use AI for sales copywriting purposes.
  3. 35% of businesses use AI for creating social media texts and or images.
  4. 33% of businesses use AI for image generation.
  5. 27% of businesses use AI for email marketing due to the popularity of ChatGPT sales.
  6. 9% of businesses use AI for other use cases.

Real Consumer Use of AI

Consumers are now engaging more with AI without thinking about it.

This section explores how AI has become a part of consumer activities, from tasks like AI writing to intricate decision-making procedures like hiring someone.

  1. The most common ways consumers use AI are by answering texts or emails, answering financial questions, and making travel plans.8
  2. The top ways consumers use AI are as follows:8
  3. Respond to people via text/email: 45%
  4. Answer financial questions: 43%
  5. Plan travel itinerary: 38%
  6. Craft an email: 31%
  7. Prepare for a job interview: 30%
  8. Write a social media post: 25%
  9. Summarise complex or long copy: 19%

AI Writing Adoption Statistics Worldwide

Key statistics and facts about using AI in writing around the world.

Global AI Writing Statistics

  1. The worldwide AI market is worth, more than $196 billion. The value of the AI industry is expected to grow over 13 times in the next seven years.
  2. By 2026, the AI market in the United States is predicted to reach $299.64 billion.
  3. Between 2024 and 2030, the AI market is expanding at a compound growth rate (CAGR) of 38.1%.

AI-generated content statistics

These AI writing statistics look at how popular AI-generated content is and who is using it.

Book Authors Using AI Writing: Statistics

Ways book authors are using artificial intelligence (AI) in the United States as of May 2024

  1. 47% of book authors use ChatGtp and AI mostly as a grammar-checking tool
  2. 29% of book authors use AI for brainstorming plot ideas and characters
  3. 26% of Book authors use AI for marketing purposes, such as creating sales pages, writing marketing materials
  4. While 7% are using AI to generate text for a work (Source: Statista)

Education AI Writing statistics

Looking into AI writing statistics regarding how much AI content is acceptable in a research paper:

  1. 10–20% Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology)
  2. 25–35% Medical Sciences (Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy)
  3. 30–40% Engineering (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
  4. 5–10% Humanities (English, History, Philosophy)
  5. Turnitin’s approved AI writing score is less than 20%. (Source: Turnitin)

AI Writing Statistics

These AI statistics help illustrate how AI writing tools have evolved since the beginning of our modern Internet era.

  1. 47% of marketers utilize AI tools for creating content while 28% leverage them for designing elements.
  2. In 2024, 83.2% of content marketers are looking to incorporate AI content generation tools to enhance their content marketing strategies.
  3. A significant portion of businesses employing AI tools for content creation reported success in their content strategies as did those that did not use tools.
  4. John Mueller from Google suggests using intelligence to spark creativity and explore avenues in writing projects.
  5. The utilization of AI in writing is expected to grow within the publishing and editing realms as long as it aligns with reader preferences.
  6. Both B2B and B2C businesses are planning to integrate AI content generation tools into their marketing efforts by 2024 across three categories; text prediction, editing and generation.
  7. A majority of adults believe that AI can streamline tasks effectively leading to cost-efficient production of short articles and tweets, in the future.
  8. In the United States people tend to view AI in areas, like identifying fraud patterns (43%) , creating products (32%) and forecasting the weather (31%) according to Statista.
  9. On the other hand there is support for AI in tasks such as medical procedures (14%), emergency response services (14%) and journalistic writing (11%) based on the same source.

AI Content Marketing & Blogging Statistics

Wondering about the impact of AI blog integrations, on content marketing, from ideation to publication? Look no further, as this section has got you covered.

  1. AI is commonly utilized in content marketing, for generating ideas (71%) creating content (68%) drafting articles (47%) and devising strategies (40%).
  2. Google’s perspective on AI-generated content has evolved in the year emphasizing a focus on “the quality of the content than its production methods” (Google Search Central).
  3. Nevertheless, Google is taking steps to combat quality AI-generated content aimed at improving search engine rankings (Google).
  4. Artificial intelligence can greatly assist marketers in strategizing and planning by aiding in segmentation targeting and positioning strategies (STP) (Science Direct).
  5. Bloggers who utilize AI tools for content creation spend an average of 30% time crafting blog posts. This was highlighted in a study by Wartune.
  6. The Washington Post published over 850 articles about the Rio Olympics with the assistance of AI technology.
  7. According to the CMO Survey, from Fall 2023 all communications/media and real estate businesses incorporate AI to support blog development.
  8. According to Salesforce, the majority of marketers are already leveraging AI for content creation tasks (76%). Generating copywriting materials (76%).
  9. In marketing, those who incorporated AI observed a 6.2% boost, in sales a 7% rise in customer satisfaction and a 7.2% reduction in marketing expenses according to the CMO Survey from Fall 2023.
  10. The top AI tools that gained popularity in 2023 were ChatGPT with 14.6 billion web visits followed by Character.AI with 3.8 billion visits and QuillBot with 1.1 billion visits as reported by Writerbuddy.
  11. ChatGPT had attracted over 100 million users by 2023 as per OpenAIs data by Statista.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about AI writing.

How Good Is AI Writing?

When it comes to intelligence writing opinions vary. While AI writing can be proficient, some argue that it lacks a touch and fails to connect with the readers on a level.

Also, as the use of AI becomes more widespread, AI generated content has become commonplace.

Users can access content generated from prompts but such content may not perform well on search engine results pages that prioritise originality and user engagement.

Is AI Going To Replace Writers and Designers?

It is unlikely that AI will replace writers and designers any time soon, not by 2024.

What Are the Most Popular AI Writing Tools?

Among the choices for AI writing and chatbot tools are ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Jasper AI, Rytr AI, and Quillbot.

Types of AI Writing Tools

There are several types of AI writing tools available, each designed for specific purposes:

  • Content Generators: These tools generate content based on user input, such as prompts, keywords, and topics.
  • Article Writers: These tools assist in writing articles, blog posts, and other long-form content.
  • Copywriting Assistants: These tools help with writing marketing copy, including product descriptions, social media posts, and email campaigns.
  • Rewriting Tools: These tools rephrase and reorganise existing content to improve its quality and readability.
  • AI Writing Assistants: These tools provide real-time writing assistance, suggesting grammar, syntax, and style improvements.

Benefits of AI Writing

AI writing offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased Productivity: AI writing tools can generate content faster and more efficiently than humans.
  • Improved Quality: AI algorithms can analyze and improve the quality of content, ensuring it is engaging, informative, and error-free.
  • Cost Savings: AI writing tools can reduce the need for human writers, saving time and resources.
  • Scalability: AI writing tools can generate content at scale, making them ideal for large-scale content marketing campaigns.

Popular AI Writing Tools

Some popular AI writing tools include:

  • Jasper: AI copilot that provides various features to help create marketing content.
  • Rytr: A writing tool that generates short-form content, integrates with SEMrush, and supports over 30 languages.
  • QuillBot: Your complete writing solutions.
  • Sudowrite: A writing tool designed specifically for fiction writers.
  • HyperWrite: A personal AI writing assistant for content generation, research, and rewriting.

Challenges and Limitations

While AI writing has many benefits, it also has some challenges and limitations:

  • Quality Control: AI-generated content may not always meet human standards of quality.
  • Originality: AI-generated content may lack originality and creativity.
  • Contextual Understanding: AI algorithms may struggle to understand the context and nuances of human language.
  • Ethical Concerns: AI-generated content may raise ethical concerns, such as plagiarism and job displacement.


AI writing is a rapidly evolving field with numerous applications and benefits.

While it has its challenges and limitations, AI writing tools have the potential to revolutionize the way we create and consume written content.

As the technology continues to improve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of AI writing in various industries.

AI Writing Sources: Research by Write Sonic

  1. The Brains
  2. Google Trends
  3. SiegeMedia
  4. Intelligent.com
  5. Reuters
  6. OpenAI
  7. SimilarWeb
  8. Statista — Authors AI
  9. Statista — AI Newsrooms
  10. MarTech
  11. Statista — AI Marketing Revenue
  12. HubSpot
  13. Capterra
  14. Influencer Marketing Hub
  15. Statista — AI Marketing
  16. Statista — AI Newsroom Concerns
  17. NewsGuard — AI News
  18. Authority Hacker
  19. Statista — AI Social Media
  20. The Motley Fool

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